
Pictures printing

Programs "Fin 2D" and "Fin 3D" contains an option to insert user-defined figures into text documents. The programs store the drawing parameters (displayed items, description) and type of displayed results. The figures are generated automatically with the help of these settings before the printing. Therefore, the pictures show every time the current structure and latest results. The pictures can be added into documents with the help of the button "Add picture", that can be found in the bottom part of the tree menu. The pictures can be also modified (it is possible to change appearance, description or position in the document structure) later in the window "List of pictures".

Window "List of pictures"

This window can be used for organizing the pictures for printing. The window contains pictures table in the bottom part and preview of an active picture in the upper part. The properties of active picture may be changed with the help of the button "Edit" in the window "Picture properties". This window can be also opened using double-click in the table. Pictures also can be deleted with the help of the button "Remove". The button "Print" is able to print directly the active picture.

Window "List of pictures"

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