
Materials catalogue

This window contains a database of pre-defined (and user defined) materials. The database is organized into groups, upper table contains list of available groups, bottom table list of items in selected group. User defined groups and items may be added into the database. Groups "Stored materials" contain values according to the tables A.7 to A.12 of EN 1991-1-1. The database of variable loads contains loads according to the chapter 6.3 of EN 1991-1.

Window "Selection from database"

User defined catalogue

The catalogue may be extended by the user defined items. First, new group has to be created (the button "Add" in the toolbar along the table of groups). In such group, user is able to add, modify or delete materials. The user defined group may contain both completely new items (the button "Add") and existing items from other groups (the button "Adopt"). Items may be also imported from *.csv file. This type of file may be created in a variety of text editors (Notepad, Word, Writer) or spreadsheet editors (e.g. Excel, Calc). Individual items are organized into rows, any row contains name, material weight and type. The name has to be bounded by quotation marks, the type determinates weight unit. Items with the type 1 have units kg/m3, items with the type 2 are considered as planar materials and have units kg/m2. Semicolon should be used as a separator.

File for import of materials in the program "Notepad"

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